Saturday Melbourne Set
Saturday Metro Set ($50 per set including GST): assessed prices for all horses; track comment; race map and tempo; key runner comments; market comment & detailed betting plan. The Saturday Set is comprised of Melbourne races. Interim Set: will be sent via email on Friday to allow customers to lock in Friday corporate prices (as highlighted on the Betting Plan) if desired. The final set will be sent via email after scr’s on Saturday morning. Pay with PayPal (Subscribe button below) or contact me if you prefer EFT payment.
Midweek Melbourne Set
Midweek Metro Set ($50 per set including GST): assessed prices for all horses; track comment; race map and tempo; key runner comments; market comment & detailed betting plan. The Midweek Set is comprised of Melbourne races. The majority of the race meetings are Wednesday metro however that can vary due to carnival & public holiday scheduling. Set will be sent via email after scr’s on Wednesday morning. Pay with PayPal (Subscribe button below) or contact me if you prefer EFT payment.
Potts Plays Service